Wow I had NO idea it has been soo long since I have been here. So much has happened and I was soo busy making baby girl things this spring , I am the very proud grandma of Alyssa Jean Effrick. She was born on August 19, 2012 in Michigan. I was lucky enough to be able to fly to Michigan and spend 11 weeks with my daughter and 2 beautiful granddaughters . I had not seen them in over a year and it was such fun. Plus I was there to meet my 3rd beautiful granddaughter Alyssa. She is also named for me , her middle name is also mine. This is Alyssa , and Alexis my oldest granddaughter .
This is my second granddaughter Gabrielle she is 6 and Alyssa
And of course there is Miss Alyssa who is now 2 months old and growing so fast.
Before Alyssa came I spent months working on little girl things and that is why I have not been here in so long . I had so much fun learning how to make tiny little things for babies. Here is a pretty good selection of what I made minus all the things I made while I was in Michigan for her but this gives you an idea what I was busy with .
I also had made her 3 blankets and some spit rags and a Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt but I guess I forgot to take a picture.
Now I am working on making her a pretty Christmas dress and mittens and scarfs for the girls since they have winter and I do not here in the south .
Welcome to my little farm in the city.
This is a little blog about my life here on my little farm in the city. I am a wife, a mom, a grandma to 6 beautiful grandchildren. I live in a small Mayberry like town in the snowy midwest. We live on the banks of a lake in the woods. I raise chickens and this year I really plan to try my hand at a small garden so that I can use the products for canning this year. It will be a venture, but I have high hopes. I am an avid knitter and I love to work on new patterns that I find. You will probably find much of my work here as I finish it. Well thanks for stopping bye and please stop in often and stay as long as you like. Trudy